BeePathNet Boot Camp

V minulem tednu, od 8.-12. aprila 2019, je Mestna občina Ljubljana organizirala BeePathNet Boot Camp - prenos dobre prakse v 5 EU držav. Države, ki bodo po zgledu ljubljanske Čebelje poti prve vzpostavile svojo Čebeljo pot, so: Poljska, Grčija, Madžarska, Italija in Portugalska.
In the past week, from the 8th to the 12th. april 2019, Municipality of Ljubljana hosted the BeePathNet Boot Camp - the transfer of good practice in 5 EU countries. Countries that will follow the example of the Ljubljana Bee path are: Poland, Greece, Hungary, Italy and Portugal.
Delovne skupine iz posameznih držav so bile razdeljene na posamezna področja:
izobraževanje; vodja skupine je bila Nina Ilič iz Zavoda Eneja, ki na ljubljanski Čebelji poti koordinira pedagoške programe,
osveščanje; vodja skupine je bila Vesna Erhart iz zavoda Ekometer,
turizem; vodja skupine je bila Dominika Koritnik Trepel iz Društva turističnih vodnikov Slovenije,
čebelarji; vodja skupine je bil Gorazd Trušnovec, predsednik Društva urbani čebelar,
ULG koordinatorji; skupino sta vodila Maruška Markovčič iz Mestne občine Ljubljana in Klemen Strmšnik iz podjetja Zavita d.o.o.
Working groups from individual countries were divided into individual areas:
• education; the leader of the group was Nina Ilič from the Eneja Institute, who co-ordinates pedagogical programs on the Ljubljana Bee path , • rising awareness; the leader of the group was Vesna Erhart from Ekometer institute, • tourism; the leader of the group was Dominika Koritnik Trepel from the Association of Tourist Guides of Slovenia, • beekeepers; the leader of the group was Gorazd Trušnovec, president of the Society of Urban Beekeepers, • ULG coordinators; the group was led by Maruška Markovčič from the Municipality of Ljubljana and Klemen Strmšnik from the company Zavita d.o.o.

Ljubljanska ekipa (Gorazd Maslo - Mestna občina Ljubljana, Maruška Markovčič - Mestna občina Ljubljana, Klemen Strmšnik - Zavita d.o.o., Nina Ilič - Zavod Eneja, Dominika Koritnik Trepel - Društvo turističnih vodnikov Slovenije, Vesna Erhart - Zavod EKOmeter) vodila udeležence iz omenjenih držav skozi tematske točke na Čebelji poti in skozi točke, ki vsebinsko gradijo ljubljansko Čebeljo pot.
The Ljubljana team (Gorazd Maslo - Municipality of Ljubljana, Maruška Markovčič - Municipality of Ljubljana, Klemen Strmšnik - Zavita doo, Nina Ilič - Eneja Institute, Dominika Koritnik Trepel - Society of Tourist Guides of Slovenia, Vesna Erhart - EKOmeter Institute, Gorazd Trušnovec - Society for Urban beekiping) led participants from countries mentioned above through actual points on the Bee Path and through the points that are building the content of Ljubljana Bee Path.
Mestni občini Ljubljana je Zavod Eneja nudil strokovno podporo pri izvedbi mednarodnega srečanja partnerjev (WP2: BEE PATH good practice study tour with training for Transfer city ULG members) in sicer na področju izobraževanja.
Eneja Institute, provided expert support in the implementation of the international meeting of partners (WP2: BEE PATH, a good practice study tour with training for Transfer City ULG members) in the field of education.
Najprej so udeleženci delovne skupine izobraževanje predstavili pedagoške vsebine in izkušnje na temo čebel in bio diverzitete iz svojih držav, nato smo jim predstavili našo dosedanjo pedagoško prakso, razvoj pedagoških programov na ljubljanski Čebelji poti in se dotaknili razlik v naših izobraževalnih sistemih ter podali nekaj idej za razvoj pedagoških programov, ki so skladni z vsemi državami.
First, the participants of the working group of education presented pedagogical contents and experiences on the topic of bees and bio diversity from their countries, then we presented them our pedagogical practice and the development of pedagogical programs on the Ljubljana Bee path. We discussed the differences in our education systems. We provided some ideas for development of pedagogical programs that are compatible with all countries.
Na praktični delavnici so po dveh dneh teorije udeleženci spoznali pedagoške cilje, namen, pripravo in izvedbo nekaj primerov api delavnic, ki lahko služijo kot obogatitev že obstoječih vsebin v njihovem delu. V eni točki smo se tudi razmigali in se naučili prepoznati tip otrok in kako razlike med njimi upoštevati pri pripravi programov. Predstavila sem jim strokovni pedagoški program Api vrtec in naravoslovno kulturni dan za osnovne šole.
Izmenjali smo si kontakte za nadaljnjo medsebojno podporo in pomoč.
After two days of the theory, the participants learned the pedagogical goals, the purpose, the preparation and the implementation of some examples of api workshops, which can serve as enrichment of already existing contents in their work. At one point, we also used exercise to learn how to identify the type of children and how to distinguish between them in the preparation of programs. I presented them with a professional teaching program Api kindergarten and a Natural Science and Cultural Day for Elementary Schools. We exchanged contacts for further mutual support and help.
Ljubljanska Čebelja pot je:
gibanje (enako mislečih)
izobraževalni okvir
inkubator za nove ideje
tematska učna pot od točke do točke
Ljubljana Bee path is:
educational framework
think-tank and an incubator for new ideas
an actual path from one point to another
Na koncu so ekipe iz Poljske, Portugalske, Italije, Madžarske in Grčije pripravile delovni plan za svoje Čebelje poti.
BeePathNet Boot Camp je bil zame naravnost čudovita izkušnja. Hvala vsem - lepo sem se imela v vaši družbi. Pogrešam vas in upam, da se še kdaj srečamo.
In the end, the teams from Poland, Portugal, Italy, Hungary and Greece prepared a work plan for their Bee paths.
BeePathNet Boot Camp was a wonderful experience for me. Thank you all - I had a good time in your company. I miss you and I hope we meet again.